Friday, December 3, 2010

Bows by Sam

Hello my lovelies!  So, as I have previously mentioned, my boyfriend is in Marine Corps boot camp right now (oorah!), and while I am impatiently awaiting his graduation and homecoming, I have become a frequent visitor on several Facebook pages for Marine girlfriends.  Through one of these pages, I found Bows by Sam, a wonderful small business page where you can order customized bows and headbands.  I ordered a really lovely Marine Corps bow a few weeks back.  The girl who does the bows, Samantha, is a total sweetheart, and because my order got a little delayed, she threw in another bow as compensation.  I have to say, it is absolutely adorable--it's got red, white, and blue striped ribbons as the base with a support-our-troops yellow ribbon in the center and a blue star button.  I PROMISE to post pics as soon as I get back to school and my camera.

She doesn't just do military-themed bows; right now she has a selection of the cutest holiday bows up.  Here's the link so you all can check out her page!!/pages/Bows-by-Sam/152962618066103

The prices are really reasonable too, which just adds to the sweetness.

That's all for now, chickadees!