Friday, October 29, 2010

Only 56 Shopping Days Left...

Hello, my little chickadees!  So Halloween is upon us, and once we tumble through the sugar-fest into November, the reality of the holidays hits us like puberty will hit Justin Bieber (just sayin').  And yes, that means Christmas shopping.

Now, I know most people think of Christmas shopping as one of the most onerous chores on the planet, but I am of a different breed.  I L-O-V-E Christmas shopping, mostly because I love shopping and buying presents for people is a great way to get the thrill without the guilt.  And I firmly believe that the week leading up to Christmas should be spent caroling and drinking hot cocoa by the fire and going to fabulous parties--NOT spent rushing around a department store like a chicken with its head cut off.  So I tend to get my shopping done pretty early, which is why I'm posting about it now.

Geek Love Poem T-Shirt
Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver
Mini Lightsaber Tech Lab

LOTR Plushies

Millenium Falcon 3D Owner's Guide

I have a whole long list of people to shop for this holiday season--family members, friends from home, friends from school, etc., etc., etc.  Since I go to school in the absolute boondocks, there aren't a whole lot of shopping options around, so I do a lot of mine online.  I know I've mentioned and, and I will be prowling those sites again this year.  Another fabulous source of gifts, especially for the man in your life, is  They have amazing geeky gadgets, t-shirts, nomables (food)--all kinds of wonderful things.  Now, I don't mind telling you, my boyfriend is definitely a dyed-in-the-wool geek (and I love him for it).  So this site has been invaluable to me.  Just to give you some idea, my Christmas wish list for him includes: Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver (10th Doctor); Freakin' Magical Unicorn Gum; Geek Love Poem T-Shirt; Heat Changing TARDIS Mug; LOTR Mini Plush; Millenium Falcon 3D Owner's Guide; and Mini Lightsaber Tech Lab.  Oh, yeah, and the best part?  ALL of those things together cost about $100 total.  Now, I probably won't buy all of them (as previously mentioned, I do have a lot of people to shop for), but still, if your man is at all geeky, you can't go wrong with this site.  Oh, and it's okay that I pretty much announced to the entire Internet what I'm getting him for Christmas, since he's at boot camp right now and has zero Internet/phone access.  Just in case you were wondering--that's why I used him as an example instead of, say, my wonderfully geeky friend Kathy.

Here's to a great holiday season!!

P.S. All the pictures in this post are from did not take them!!

Freakin' Magical Unicorn Gum

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