Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Some Handy Tips

Hello all! 

Really, I should not be allowed to get in the Christmas spirit this early--I am waaaay too excited, and we've barely even started November.  They aren't even playing Christmas music in the stores yet!!  But actually, this kind of makes sense.  I mean, we're all busy, aren't we?  And it always seems like when the holidays roll around there's never enough hours in the day for just our daily activities, never mind buying presents.  So why not start as early as you can, so as to minimize the stress?  And okay, I'll admit that I prefer to spread out my spending over a larger time period, which in the long run is easier on my bank account.

That being said, I've decided to offer some useful tips about how to tackle your present list.  Read on!

1.) Make a list.  I can't emphasize this enough.  Make a list NOW of every single person you need to buy something for.  Start with the most important (parents, siblings, spouses, children, close friends) and move on down to "optionals" (work friends, etc.).  If you find that your list is climbing to over thirty or forty people, STOP.  Reevaluate.  Do you really need to get a gift for every single person in your department?  Consider giving a group gift or bringing in holiday cookies instead, and giving a personal card.  Once you have a list, try to get an idea of what you want to get each person (see next tip) and write it down too.

2.) Decide what to buy. Now don't get me wrong, I love going into a store and getting inspired about what to get someone, but it definitely simplifies your life if you decide what you want to get someone BEFORE you hit the stores.  Even if it's just a general idea (e.g. "I want to get my sister a necklace") it will give you some direction.
     -Help!  How do I decide what to get someone??  First of all, relax.  It's not that hard.  Second of all, think of how well you know the person.  If it's someone close to you, think of their interests, what's special to them, and try to think of something that reflects that.  For example, does your father love coffee?  Consider getting him some gourmet beans and a fun mug.  If it's someone you're not particularly close to, like a work friend or a neighbor, it's perfectly fine to be a little more generic.  Maybe a nice box of chocolates would be good, or even one of those pre-made gift baskets. 
     -What if I'm short on funds?  Are you at all crafty?  Try making your presents!  I knit, so I plan on whipping up some cute cowl-neck tube scarves this season, and I'm also planning on making some headbands.  Check out your local craft store (like Michaels, A.C. Moore, or Jo-Ann Fabrics) for ideas.

3.) Plan your shopping strategy.  Personally, as previously mentioned, I can't get to the mall very often, so I do a lot of online gift shopping.  If you're short on spare time, this can be a great way to go.  You can spend ten minutes online making an order and then get it delivered to your door.  If you do decide to go old-school and hit the stores, go armed with your list.  Resist the urge to deviate too far from the list.  For me, I always find myself saying, "Ooh!  This would be perfect for my sister!" when I already have three presents for her.  When you find yourself in a similar situation, STOP.  Put the item DOWN, and step away.  Stay focused on your goal.  Also, if you can, avoid shopping during peak hours.  Stores are much busier then, and not only will it take you longer to navigate them, it's more likely that they will run out of whatever you're looking for!  By shopping during non-peak hours, the store will be much calmer, and you're more likely to get personal attention from the staff, which is always a godsend.  Oh, and forget about Black Friday.  In my opinion, they have not yet made the TV that will induce me to get out of bed at three in the morning to buy it.  Really, you have to ask yourself, "Is this even worth it?"  Most often, the answer is NO.  Until Manolo Blahnik starts having 97%-off sales on Black Friday, I'm staying home.

4.) Don't worry!  Shopping is supposed to be fun.  If you can't find what you consider to be "the only perfect gift" for someone, don't stress it.  Just find something else--maybe not as perfect, but if it's thoughtful, it will be appreciated.  Relax, breathe, and enjoy yourself.

I hope these help!  Here's to a stress-free holiday season!!


1 comment:

  1. May I add a tip? Try shopping now, during the week when no one else is out! The selection is great and you don't have to deal with the crowds:-)Even if you only get a few things and only go our for a little while, you will feel like you have at least started your shopping.
